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Press photos and videos may only be used for editorial purposes. The rights of use and exploitation under copyright law belong to the Dr. Jost Henkel Stiftung, Düsseldorf, unless a different originator is expressly stated. All copyrights remain undiminished if the photos are incorporated either electronically or manually into an archive. Photos used for editorial purposes, modified, duplicated and/or electronically altered must bear the credit (© Dr. Jost Henkel Stiftung). Commercial use or sale of the photos, even in electronically manipulated form, is prohibited. The photos may be printed/published free of charge. In the case of print media we would however ask you to send us a copy for our records. If photos are used in films or electronic media, please notify us briefly to this effect.
Dr. Jost Henkel Stiftung
Henkelstraße 67
40589 Düsseldorf